Thursday, April 17, 2008

Lila & the Birds

Last night Dale left the water on and the yard was like a pond. I don't know if you've ever seen those big black grackle birds but I bet there was 10 of them in the yard drinking water and taking baths. I tried to get the dogs to chase them but they looked at me like I was crazy. So I gave up. Then later I went to turn the water off and there's more birds. So I told Lila get that bird. She looked at the bird then looked at me and then slowly took a step or two towards it. Then she stopped and had her back perfectly straight head down and tail pointed out straight, then she lifted her front paw. It was so cute and I was amazed that she was doing that. Then she took another step did the same thing. By now I'm trying not to laugh. After the last step off she went like shot of course the bird flew off but it was great watching her. I have a bird dog in disguise. Louie just stood there and looked at me and then at her like huh.....My dogs are such fun.

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