Sunday, December 16, 2007

Louie Man

Yesterday was a hard day for us. Louie Man had another seizure. He's been having them about every 3 months. I've talked to the vet about it and one of them says put him on medicine the other says to just watch him and if they get more frequent then put him on medicine. I've been through this before with a Cocker I had and the medicine cause him to have liver failure, so I'm really leary about putting Louie on the medication. One minute he was fine sitting with me which he usually doesn't do that and the next he was having the seizure. I guess he knew it was coming. Everytime he has one he always comes to me. I guess I'm mom and he knows mom will help him. Lila came running to help him too so Dale had to keep her away until it was over. They never last but minute but it seems like forever. I just sit and hold him and talk to him until it passes. You just have to keep your hands away from his mouth because he has no clue what's going on. He doesn't have them as bad as the Cocker did but it's never fun. I'm thinking of changing his food I've seen that Science Diet has one for itchy skin and he sure has it now. I guess I could get him itchy skin food and Lila fat girl food. They were really cute this morning the leaves are falling off the trees and they had to check it out to see if something was up there. I think they both would climb the trees if they could. Especially when the squirrel is up there.

And by the way HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! I know you say it's not your birthday but it is.

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