Tuesday, December 11, 2007


It's been really busy at work and home. So finally I have a chance to put my thoughts down. The Car Club Christmas party was fun. And for once the food was great. I think I had the biggest steak I've ever had in my life. Here's some pictures from it. Everyone brought gifts and you picked a number and when it was your turn you picked a gift. Are if you wanted to steal someone else's you went and stole and they had to go pick another gift. As you can see Dale stole a gift. I got the Joyce brought and hid it so I could keep it. It was lots of fun.

Then to the computer problems we got several virus on the computer and I had to have someone come fix it. Now seems we may have to get a new one. And to start Dale was on a tear. But he's better about it now. Just took him a few days.........

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