Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Here a Mouse there a Mouse

I have to say working at Halliburton has always been fun with different things happening all the time. I've been here like forever seems like, 18 years is a long time these days for being at a job. Yesterday was one of those fun type days. I'm sitting here typing and working and all the sudden a mouse pops out from under my monitor and starts to get on my keyboard. As I pushed back from my desk in surprise saying a few choice words he ran off. Not long after that you can hear Jan in the break room yelling MOUSE this one was in the creamer, guess he needed a sugar fix. They are every where. The building has become infested with mice. Between that and fighting off the flying yellow jackets it's always an interesting day. I do hope though that the mice leave really soon. As cute as they are at the pet stores they are not cute here.

1 comment:

That Janie Girl said...

Oh my Lord - I bet you did jump back!!

(still, it's kind of funny!)