Thursday, March 12, 2009


I have to say this year has been the worst for me an my allergies. I think they started back in January and have finally settle down. I've had 3 visits to the Doctor and 3 Medicines. Which one I'm just now finishing up. Usually when I go to Dallas I get sick. But I hope that doesn't happen this time, I'm sure it's from Chan's cute Kitties. I have a new Nose spray Omnaris, and I'm trying that stuff you put on your nose. I didn't go on the car tour Dale did in February to Kerrville because of the cedars popping. Which I got worse anyway here. The winds have just blown and blown this year already. One time I thought the top of the house was coming off. At home I've been lightening the load and have gotten rid of tons of things, I have to say it really looks better! It's amazing what you accumulate over the years. How did we ever live in a smaller house? We just got the carpet cleaned and I bought an Oreck air purifier. We have one of them in the living room and one in the bedroom. I feel like I have a new house. Now if I can just get the dogs to wipe their paws when they come in.......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Air is a vital component of a very complex set of respiratory functions. This air must be free of contaminants that could cause a potential health risk. Air that contains particles of dust mites, pet dander, pollen and mold spores can cause asthma, allergies and respiratory illnesses. In order to alleviate these risk factors, it is necessary to utilize a high efficiency allergy air purifier. A high efficiency Allergy Air Purifier circulates air through filters that trap toxins, and allergens, and removes them from inside air.