Monday, June 15, 2009

New Things

Well it's been a busy couple of months. We had the bad hail storm in Midland and here came the work. Between my day job and my night job I'm exhausted. I know Dale is for sure. I think we need to hire him a helpler. Last month he took a break and went to the Pate Swap meet and bought me a new Mustang, well it's an old new mustang 73 convertible. Now I'm really car poor. The next new thing is Tucker Andrea's new baby. I can't wait to see him in person. He should be here next month when Chan and Lilly come to visit. Yes they'll be here for a week. Now how exciting is that. She loves to play with bubbles and she can say that word for sure now. She can moo like a cow, say babe, dog, mo, bubbles, how she's changed since I last saw her.

1 comment:

That Janie Girl said...

You just thought your life was boring, huh? Lord, girl, you're busy!!